I-FMD faculty are experts in a wide range of interdisciplinary engineering and science fields. Explore their research interests below, or reach out to I-FMD staff to be put in touch with faculty working in your field!
Ivan Biaggio - Center for photonics and nanoelectronics
Mark Chen - Synthesis of RADICALLY new organic materials
Xuanhong Cheng - Lab of micro- and nano-technology for diagnostics and biology
Hannah Dailey - Orthopaedic biomechanics lab
Lisa Fredin - Interfacial chemistry, disorder in materials, photochemistry
Himanshu Jain - Functionality in glass through fundamentals
E Thomas Pashuck - Cell responsive biomaterials
Siddha Pimputkar - Materials for advanced technology and sustainability
Elsa Reichmanis - Organic materials and devices lab
Israel Wachs - Operando molecular spectroscopy and catalysis lab